Smile Gallery
Smile Makeover Case 1

This patient didn’t like the canted midline and slanted occlusion. A Smile makeover was created using the Smile Design and the patient’s facial features to ensure optimum results. Porcelain Veneers were placed to follow the shape of the face and to give a fresh younger look.
Smile Makeover Case 2

Severe crowding and wear on top and bottom teeth. Porcelain Veneers placed using the smile design to fix the top teeth and clear aligners used to fix the bite. A Healthy beautiful Smile=Self Confidence
Same Day Smile Makeover Case 3

“I am embarrassed of my smile." The patient didn’t like that she had missing teeth and flat short teeth. Porcelain Veneers and Porcelain bridges were made to create a happy natural and a confident smile.
Smile Makeover Case 4

“My front teeth are too short and nobody can see my teeth when I am talking." The patient had lost few teeth in the back so was only chewing on the front teeth which accelerated their attrition. It also started to cause sensitivity and low self-esteem. We created a smile taking into consideration the facial features and the patient’s needs. The patient was extremely happy.
Same-Day Veneers Smile Makeover Case 5

“I hate my teeth as they look like bugs bunny.” This patient had 2 front veneers placed by another dentist to close a space between the front teeth. The current teeth looked so big, off color and lacked the natural look. New Porcelain Veneers were created using the smile design to ensure a natural look.
Smile Makeover Case 6

“I hate my front teeth and I can’t smile.” The patient had congenitally missing teeth and was using a partial for a long time. We were able to help restore the smile using our latest dental technology and the patient left happy with the new smile on the same day.
Veneers Smile Makeover Case 7

Same-Day Veneers

Full Ceramic Veneers replacing old Composite Veneers, SAME DAY
Clear Aligners

Mild-Moderate crowding could be resolved using our in-office clear aligners
Severe Crowding

Our Doctor’s experience in case selection and Patient compliance are key factors in creating successful good results

Spacing issues could be resolved with clear aligners
Natural looking Porcelain Veneers

“My Front teeth keep chipping and I need a permanent solution.” Chipped front teeth that could not be fixed by bonding. They made the patient look much older due to the attrition and wear. Very natural looking Porcelain veneers were placed creating a natural younger look.
Implant Dentistry Case 1

This patient had an implant placed a couple of times by a specialist with a gingival graft. The space was much larger than the width of the adjacent tooth. We created a crown that exactly mimic the adjacent tooth to create a natural looking tooth/Implant crown using our latest Technology.
Implant Dentistry Case 2

“I broke my front tooth eating hard candy.” The clinical tooth cracked at the gum level, so an implant was immediately placed after the extraction with a temporary crown. After the complete healing, A Porcelain Crown was placed using our latest technology to match the rest of the natural teeth.
Implant Dentistry Case 3

"I broke my front tooth opening a bottle.” This patient cracked his front tooth. The tooth was non restorable. An immediate implant was placed using our latest 3D technology and a temporary crown was placed on the same day. The patient left happy.
Case 1

Patient presented with severe grinding, fractured front tooth, sensitivity and short teeth from excessive grinding.
Extraction of the fractured tooth, increase of the vertical dimension of occlusion (Teeth height) and a bridge was made, and a night guard to prevent from grinding.
Case 2

The patient had an old root canal treatment in the front tooth, where the root cracked and a failing crown in the adjacent front tooth with extensive decay. The adjacent teeth had large existing restorations. The patient did not want implants or removable partial denture.
Both front teeth were extracted and an immediate temporary bridge was placed before final bridge was inserted.
Case 3

The patient had a large overjet and a deep over bite, and crowding that was affecting cleaning and oral hygiene.
Aligners placed to correct the overjet/overbite as well as crowding only by using Invisalign.
CEREC Same-Day Dentistry

Tooth fractured and was repaired SAMEDAY with CEREC CADCAM technology

Invisalign Before and after

Same-Day Crowns

Very large old crown on the front tooth and the midline is off. Full ceramic Veneer and full ceramic crown done on SAME DAY using CEREC CADCAM technology
Root Canal and Same-Day Crown

Root canal treatment and Full ceramic crown SAME DAY Before and after